PTG Sports Management
PTG Sports Management Team is built on solid foundation of good morels and dedication. Getting the job done is our passion and we take pride giving an athlete the comfort of knowing that an experienced team is working to complete the task at hand. Our motto is that we will NEVER take on more than we can handle this allows our athlete to get the attention they deserve. PTG Sport Management deals in all aspects in an athlete’s career no matter how big or small we are there. So if you’re looking to go to the next level and are willing to do what it takes we’re the team for you. So if you’re a pro athlete or looking to turn pro the time is NOW!!!! With over 25 years of management experience PTG gets you where you need to be.
PTG Boxing
What we strive to bring back to boxers is the since of care and concern for the fighter Outside of the ring as well as Inside of the ring. Our concentrated efforts to Maximize their potential beyond the ring gives us an edge in making these fighters Household Names. Training beyond the ring is moving Platinum Towers up the ranks in Boxing Management.
Caleb AKA Moose
PTG Football
Caleb Pearson Moto is Execute/Maximize. Every Moment on the field is a moment of inspiration watching Caleb Pearson from Rockford Lutheran High School Maximizing every opportunity on the field. While averaging 7 to 12 tackles a game Caleb is not satisfied with those numbers, his reflection is and I quote "I Should Have Gotten More" Caleb gets his motivation and toughness from his Father. Being raise in a single parent household by his father from the age of 7Months has put Drive and Determination at the forefront of his life. He's seen it all, The Good, The Bad, as well as the Ugly and giving up has never been an Option in the Pearson Household no matter how ugly it got.Caleb earned the name #MOOSE from being a violent hitter with incredible strength. He's and animal on that field that is gaining notoriety in every game. #Moose #LOD #LSB #FieldDominator #Animal #Instinct #TrueWarrior #RW